SLICKSLICE SlickSlice is a bash script powered by ImageMagick and MPlayer tools that creates a timeline representation of a videofile - one big image with screenshot thumbnails taken at automatically set periods of time. Everyone loves screenshots: A slicksliced public domain movie Any questions? Use forums LATEST NEWS
HOW TO USE To create a timeline of your videofile - execute the following command in a terminal: HOW TO INSTALL, CONFIGURE AND ENJOY 2) Download and copy the script in your path: $ sudo cp /where/you/downloaded/slickslice-#.# /usr/local/bin/slickslice 3) Make sure it has the executable attribute set $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/slickslice 4) Run slickslice to see the list of options $ slickslice On its first run SlickSlice will create/update a config file with defaults in your home directory. You may want to examine/update it to your taste later. $ kwrite ~/.slickslice-config NOTE If you like soft thumbnail shadows install ImageMagick version >= 6.3.1 DOWNLOAD and Enjoy! THE COMPLETE LIST OF OPTIONS The program creates two jpeg files based on a videofile content: a timeline view and 3 screenshots on a page. For more info: OPTIONS: -x file The name of a videofile to slickslice -m 'options' Pass custom options to mplayer [default: '-vf pp=ac/lb'] Ex: Enable postproccessing filters for better image quality: slickslice -x video.avi -m '-vf pp=lb/ac' -S WxH Set the timeline dimention W - number of thumbs in a row H - number of thumbs in a column [default: 4x15] Ex: Create a timeline of 17 thumbs in one row: slickslice -x video.avi -S 17x1 -w width Custom video width for automatic scale detection [default: auto] Ex: Force slickslice to use width 1066px for scaling detection: slickslice -x video.avi -w 1066 -q value Custom jpeg quality (worst 1-100 best) [default: 100] Ex: Set jpeg quality to 60: slickslice -x video.avi -q 60 -c value Custom color of a thumbnail frame. Run 'identify -list color' for a list of available colors. For more info [default: #F0F0FF] Ex: Set frame color to LightSkyBlue: slickslice -x video.avi -c LightSkyBlue -b value Custom background color. Run 'identify -list color' for a list of available colors. For more info [default: White] Ex: Set background color to LightGrey: slickslice -x video.avi -b LightGrey -l value Custom font color. Run 'identify -list color' for a list of available colors. For more info [default: Black] Ex: Set font color to White and background to Black: slickslice-0.9 -x video.avi -l White -b Black -f fontname Custom font. Run 'identify -list font' for a list of available fonts. For more info Or provide the path to the installed font directly. [default: DejaVu-Sans-Condensed] Ex1: Let's use Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Bold slickslice -x video.avi -f Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Bold Ex2: Let's use our system font /usr/share/myfont.ttf slickslice -x video.avi -f /usr/share/myfont.ttf SWITCHES: -o Turn off image shadows -e Do not generate a 3 screenshots on a page image -d Do not delete all temporary files on exit -s Print md5sum hash into the info section of the timeline image -n Hide the file name in the info section of the timeline image NOTE: Default values for switches can be overridden by your config file ~/.slickslice-config EXAMPLE: Slickslice myvideo.avi. Run mplayer with postprocessing filters that improve the image quality by default. Include hash sum info. On exit keep all temporary files. Use LightPink color for thumbnail frames. Timeline dimension is 3 rows by 7 columns. slickslice -x ./myvideo.avi -s -d -c LightPink -S 7x3 |